"A collection or an edition from this publisher is missing in the common database?" = "A collection or an edition from this publisher is missing in the common database?"; "Geolocate" = "Geolocate"; "Merge history" = "Merge history"; "Merge on Wikdiata" = "Merge on Wikdiata"; "Other languages" = "Other languages"; "Summary" = "Summary"; "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?" = "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?"; "View result" = "View result"; "We could not identify this entry in the common bibliographic database. A new entry will be created" = "We could not identify this entry in the common bibliographic database. A new entry will be created"; "What's the nearest city?" = "What's the nearest city?"; "bot" = "bot"; "change edition's work" = "change edition's work"; "clue" = "clue"; "code" = "code"; "current password and new password are the same, no need to update" = "current password and new password are the same, no need to update"; "details_placeholder" = "details_placeholder"; "external_shelves_importer_description" = "external_shelves_importer_description"; "fediversable_description" = "fediversable_description"; "has no homonym" = "has no homonym"; "homonyms_count" = "homonyms_count"; "human image" = "human image"; "lexical score" = "lexical score"; "library_or_critic" = "library_or_critic"; "merge homonyms" = "merge homonyms"; "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work" = "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work"; "multi_barcode_scan_tip" = "multi_barcode_scan_tip"; "no homonym found" = "no homonym found"; "ordinal" = "ordinal"; "other_user_accepted" = "%{username} 接受了"; "other_user_cancelled" = "%{username} 取消了交易"; "other_user_confirmed" = "%{username} 确认已收到此书"; "other_user_declined" = "%{username} 拒绝了请求"; "other_user_returned" = "%{username} 确认已回收此书"; "our love wasn't possible because" = "our love wasn't possible because"; "position_settings_description" = "position_settings_description"; "precise the edition" = "precise the edition"; "refresh external databases data" = "refresh external databases data"; "request accepted" = "request accepted"; "scenarist" = "scenarist"; "scenarists" = "scenarists"; "success" = "success"; "that would really help us if you could say a few words about why you're leaving:" = "that would really help us if you could say a few words about why you're leaving:"; "update_on_item_you_requested_notification" = "update_on_item_you_requested_notification"; "update_on_your_item_notification" = "update_on_your_item_notification"; "username can not contain spaces" = "username can not contain spaces"; "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities" = "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities"; "wikidata_edit_intro" = "wikidata_edit_intro"; "wikidata_move_intro" = "wikidata_move_intro"; "work from which this is an edition" = "work from which this is an edition"; "works_replying_to_work" = "works_replying_to_work";